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Greek Radio Hour
Kate Hagan Gallup Kate Hagan Gallup

Greek Radio Hour

Spiro Savvides is an extrovert. He would go to night clubs, dance at church festivals and get involved in as many activities as possible not only to promote his businesses but to seek variety in his life. Thus, after Pete Farmasonis and Terry Karis began the Greek Radio Hour in 1972 and the station needed someone with a radio engineer’s license, Spiro took over.

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Greek Wedding Favors
Traditions, Oral History Greeks of Washington Traditions, Oral History Greeks of Washington

Greek Wedding Favors

Is it boubouniera? Or bomboniere? Perhaps bonboniere? What about boboniere? Or maybe bouboniera? Ah, yes also boubounniera. And not to be forgotten, bonbonniere. Having noted these various spellings, what can be said about this favor given as a gift to guests at weddings and baptisms?

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The Forgotten Story of Nativism and the Greeks
History Greeks of Washington History Greeks of Washington

The Forgotten Story of Nativism and the Greeks

In an age where discrimination was commonplace, Greek Americans organized to achieve the American dream of success and acceptance. These immigrants were the victims of persecution, yet they were also indomitable. Their story unfolds with the Ku Klux Klan in the early 1900s.

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