Bite of Greece 2019
Greeks in Washington at Bite of Greece
On May 31-June 2 Greeks in Washington presented an exhibit called “From Sea to Sound” at BITE OF GREECE, the annual food festival at Seattle’s Church of the Assumption.
Greeks in Washington at Bite of Greece
Balcony view of Bite of Greece
On May 31-June 2 Greeks in Washington presented an exhibit called “From Sea to Sound” at BITE OF GREECE, the annual food festival at Seattle’s Church of the Assumption.
John Maxwell and Erika Wigren
Thanks to the creativity and hard work of intern Erika Wigren and church events coordinator, John Maxwell, many items from the archive were made available for viewing. This was the first time since “A Place at the Table” was presented at the Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI) in early 2015. Erika is in the Library/IT master’s program at the University of Washington and has been working to promote the almost 700 items in the Greeks in Washington archive. The exhibit included costumes, textiles, photographs and memorabilia donated over the past 10 years, mostly by those who participated in video interviews which are posted as exhibits at our website online.
Panorama view of the exhibit.
While an exact count was not taken, the exhibit space was full of visitors throughout most of the three-day festival. Greeks in Washington board and advisory members served as hosts during the event. Seven-year-old Stamatis is seen here practicing his Greek on a typewriter with a Greek keyboard.
Visitors at the exhibit |Hosts Zaphara and Tommy Rakus |Stamatis typing in Greek
In addition to the exhibit, Erika Wigren has completed a 60-page book sharing the title A Place at the Table which features photos, narrative and quotes about Greek-owned and -operated restaurants and suppliers from 1900 to 1970. The book served as her capstone project for her master’s degree and is available for sale for $30.00 (includes postage and handling). It can be obtained by sending your check or money order to GREEKS IN WASHINGTON, 1804 13th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122.
Erika and the story board for her capstone project with “A Place at the Table” book cover
Proceeds from the sale of the book will help Greeks in Washington continue and grow.