Museum Update June 2015
John and Joann accept the EHC award.
A Place at the Table
“A Place at the Table,” the Greeks in Washington exhibit at Seattle’s Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI), closed on May 31 after a very successful four-month run. An article on the exhibit appeared in the Washington Restaurant Association magazine. Some items from the exhibit were displayed at the District 22 AHEPA convention in Seattle and some may be used at the 80th anniversary of Holy Trinity Church in Spokane, Washington, in September. Look for photos of the MOHAI exhibit in the future on the Greeks in Washington “museum without walls.”
Aspasia Phoutrides Pulakis Memorial Award
In May, John and Joann Nicon were honored by the Ethnic Heritage Council of the Pacific Northwest at its annual dinner and awards ceremony. They received the Aspasia Phoutrides Pulakis Memorial Award for outstanding contributions to an ethnic community. Stephanie Pulakis Stafford, Joanna Pulakis are shown here presenting the award to John and Joann.
Aspasia Phoutrides Pulakis Memorial Award
Yorgos Papadopoulos
Papadopoulous at Exhibit
On Tuesday evening, July 7, 2015, a private showing will be held at Frederick Holmes and Company, a contemporary fine art in Seattle’s Pioneer Square. It will be hosting a special exhibition for artist Yorgos Papadopoulos (born on Cyprus, now living in London). Yorgos is coming to Seattle at the invitation of the nationally renowned Pilchuk Glass School to teach a master class. Yorgos works in “shattered glass” and has achieved an international reputation for his beautiful work. The gallery’s address is: 309 Occidental Avenue S. (between Jackson Avenue and Main Street) in Seattle. If you would like to attend this private showing, email the gallery at or call (206) 682-0166.
Greek History Competition
District 22 of AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) has agreed to join Greeks in Washington to sponsor the second Greek History Competition where young descendants of Greeks in Washington and Oregon will be asked to document their ancestors’ stories. Look for more information when the competition is announced this fall.
Seattle Lincoln Greeks
Lincoln high school Greek renunion.
Gathered once again at their high school all-class luncheon, this year chaired by Andy Asimakopoulos. Seen here are John Panagiotou, Andy, Ike Asimakopoulos, Terry Xenos Proios, Steve Sourapas and Mary Xenos Maciejewski.
Look for Greeks in Washington on the new FACEBOOK PAGE, another means of sharing the stories of friends, relatives and ancestors. Look at it and add your comments.
Coming Exhibits
It has been very encouraging to have a number of people preparing their own stories which are used for exhibits at Video interviews are continuing and look for a new exhibit every two weeks. Here are three that will be posted soon.