Museum Update - March 2015
A Place at the Table Exhibit logo
The Greeks in Washington exhibit, “A Place at the Table: over 100 years of Greek restaurants, culture, and the entrepreneurial spirit,” opened at Seattle’s Museum of History & Industry MOHAI on February 7, 2015, with over 600 visitors to MOHAI and will run through May 31. The exhibit tells the story of over 300 Greek-owned or operated restaurants from the early 1900 to the present through narrative, photos, artifacts, and videos. Visitors enter through the door of a restaurant to explore the exhibit. Since its opening, the exhibit has been recognized in KATHIMERINI the daily Athens, Greece, newspaper, and THE NATIONAL HERALD. The Washington DC Greek Embassy Facebook page received a large number of postings regarding the exhibit. Articles have appeared in THE HELLENIC JOURNAL and in Seattle’s South Lake Union Blog.
Mementos from “A Place at the Table”
APATT Souvenir Apron
There are still a few aprons available with the exhibit logo, at $15.00 each. If you are interested, let us know at 206 325 8554 or These make excellent gifts, especially for those culinary aficionados.
Greeks in Washington is planning to sponsor the second “History Competition” where young descendants of Greek immigrants document their ancestors’ experiences through media of their choice Hopefully the competition will be co-sponsored by AHEPA
District 22 and the Hellenic American Cultural Museum of Oregon and Southwest Washington (HACCM) in Portland, Oregon. Details will be announced later this year with the competition being held from October 2015 to January 2016.
HACCM is also proud to announce the exhibition of Katherine Pappas-Parks, “Treasures of Age Carriers of Memories Past and Present,” May 2 to August 15, 2015. Katherine Pappas-Parks’ paintings have been exhibited throughout the United States. She currently displays at the Walter Wickiser Gallery Inc. in New York City.
In order to share the items in the growing Museum archive, Greeks in Washington is working to provide online access to the items. This project will include photographing and preparing narrative for each item in a data base. It will give visitors the opportunity to visit and search the archive collection from the Museum site.
Greeks in Washington is considering adding a FACEBOOK page with the purpose of reaching even more visitors throughout the world.
John and Joann Nicon and Helen Georges at APATT exhibit
There are now over 100 exhibits available at Greeks in Washington. A wonderful side benefit has been that several stories have been, or are being prepared independent of the interview process. Video interviews are continuing with a new exhibit posted every two weeks. Here are three of the exhibits that will soon appear.