*The Digital Exhibits are in the process of being transferred from our old website. If you cannot find a specific history, please check the internet archives at the Wayback Machine or message museum staff.

Please note that the museum is supported by part time staff and volunteers. If you would like to speed or support these projects, consider volunteering or making a donation to the museum.

I Get Chills
Personal History Greeks of Washington Personal History Greeks of Washington

I Get Chills

That’s what Terry Xenos Proios said when she and her siblings gathered to tell their story of emigration from Leros, Greece, and life in Seattle, Washington. Three sisters of the nine-member Xenos family are featured here along with remembrances of their family life.

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Ladies of the North
Personal History Kate Hagan Gallup Personal History Kate Hagan Gallup

Ladies of the North

That’s how Vasiliki “Billie” Larimer (nee Babunes) referred to her mother’s group of friends who would gather at their homes for their regular sessions of sewing, cooking and sharing stories. Billie and her sister, Ekaterini “Katie” O’Neil (nee Babunes) share their stories of growing up in Seattle, Washington.

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Education, Education, Think First
Personal History Greeks of Washington Personal History Greeks of Washington

Education, Education, Think First

In 1962 Larry Rouvelas, the father of Emanuel (Manny) Rouvelas and Pauline (Rouvelas) Spyridis, purchased the Athenian Inn, Seattle, Washington’s landmark restaurant in the Pike Place Market, from his uncles who founded it in 1908. Manny and Pauline share stories about their family life, continual quest for education and constant reminder from their father to “think first.”

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Brothers From Blyn
Personal History Greeks of Washington Personal History Greeks of Washington

Brothers From Blyn

The three Kravas brothers, Bill, Harry and Gus, grew up on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. They were poor by today’s standards but never knew it, thanks in large part to parents who provided them with a loving environment and a deep appreciation of their Hellenic heritage.

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The Plumakia
Personal History Kate Hagan Gallup Personal History Kate Hagan Gallup

The Plumakia

Four children, 13 men named George, a happy family life and unselfish dedication to their church and community. That is the legacy that George and Theodora Plumis left with the four that have been endeared with the name “The Plumakia” (little Plumises).

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